Talk about your favorite movie ielts

By admin under speaking published on monday, september 17, 2018 3. It is a bollywood movie directed and produced by a wellknown indian director, raj kumar hirani. How to describe your best new year party how to describe your favourite movie. I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on my articles directly. Talk about an important message that you received recently. In the ielts speaking test room, only you and the examiner.

However, today, i would like to talk about a food item which is cooked in a traditional manner. But i would like to talk about my favorite movie bhagban. All school, college and university subjects and courses. The best education website for free educational resources, articles and news. Describe the person in your family who you most admire. Whats the difference between the movies in your country and hollywood. This movie also aimed to encourage people to appreciate the happiness and true love from the ones who have always been there for them. Ielts cue card sample 591 describe your favourite flower. Checking out the latest exam question will let you test your preparation level if you try it out at home. But the teacher whom i loved and admired most of all was sir irfan.

It is from the album pal and sung by azim khan in 1999. Today, in under 5 minutes, you will learn how to answer the question, what is your favorite vacation spot. Cue card movie you recently watched or which is your favourite is a cue card asked in the first place in ielts speaking exam in fact this video shares a detailed answer of fhe cue card with. There are a number of tv programmes i like to watch but the one i would like to talk about is cid which i am most addicted to. There are a number of places which i like such as shopping complexes, a supermarket, movie theatre and so on.

If you can talk about the cue card topic describe your favourite movie you should be able to talk about the following ielts cue card topics as well. Speaking follow up questions describe your favorite movie. If you need to take ielts, fce, cae or toefl, you have come to the right place. Describe your favourite means of transport ielts cue card. Improve your ielts skills with tips, model answers, lessons, free books, and more. Speaking follow up questions describe a new exciting activity that you want to try for the first time ielts exam.

Because movies are the great source of entertainment. I used to like him because he had the most pleasing, enthusiastic, lively and energetic personality. More ideas to talk about this cue card candidate task card topic. Ielts cue card sample 15 your favourite movie ielts mentor. Where you got it do you often dress it when you wear it and explain why it is your favorite clothing. This are question which frequently asked by interviewrs,so if you know please post with correct answers and i rquest you to guys dont make fun of it, it may help anyone who ready this question to get there jobs. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. Practise for your ielts speaking exam part 2 on the topic describe your favourite movie. Basically, he was a s cience t eacher who taught us physics. Roodyard kipling,which makes you to forget all your worries and gives you the pleasant entertaining. Ielts speaking test part 2 sample question and answer by jane lawson at. The name of my favorite movie is casablanca which was directed by michael.

It was my absolute favorite i used to watch it repeatedly until my parents. To help you stay updated with the recent ielts speaking topic, let us find out a recently asked cue card topic. I would say that my room has all the things which a person can dream of. Examwriting is a blog focused on delivering free materials for selfpreparation. Cue card movie you recently watched or which is your favourite is a cue card asked in the first place in ielts speaking exam in fact this. Ielts cue card with answer describe your favourite movie. Ielts speaking part 1 color, learn how to talk about colors in a colorful way and pass the ielts test with flying colors.

Ielts speaking part 1 april 27, 2020 april 27, 2020. Key phrases are highlighted, and there is a rephrasing exercise as well. Talk about your favourite movie latest ielts cue card. Amitabh bachchan and hema malini played lead roles in this movie. Topic describe your favorite movie ielts speaking part 2. Dont waste time on those transition phrases, they are for beginners. For all the reasons, the tshirt is my favourite dress. Talk about a critically acclaimed film you that you watched. It is a malayalam movie that i watched in a cinema about 20 years ago.

Ielts exam preparation, sample answers and tips to score a high band score in your ielts test. Describe your favorite day of the week ielts fever. Plenty of essay examples, formal or informal letters, reports, descriptions are at your disposal. Ielts cue card sample 140 describe your favourite food item details last updated.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. Improve your ielts score with our sample ielts practice tests and materials. The fabrics are of high standard and easy to clean. The surface on which you play football as opposed to a. Favourite movie baghban speaking cue card with answer ielts.

Ielts cue card sample 140 describe your favourite food item. Not only was the story itself so miserable but also the actor and actress outperformed the ordinary. Listening to the songs is like meditation as it freshens up ones mind. Recent ielts speaking topic and sample answer tv programme. Talk about your favourite movie latest ielts cue card sample.

Talk about your favourite song recent ielts speaking topic august 18, 2018 talk about your favorite song. A printable model of this tutorial can be downloaded from. Ielts cue card sample 586 describe your favourite music band. Talk about a movie that you have watched as this would help you describing the story of the movie. I would like to talk about my favorite movie, 3 idiots.

Informal letter favourite movie sample writing for. Well, i belong to a developing city of punjab named moga city. She is a very talented and prominent american writer. No expression of the youthful desires and experiences in human life comes close to the ones portrayed in the film. Im sorry if im spoiling but my favorite movie moment is the final battle between the avengers and thanos army in the marvel movie. Talk about your favorite place for shopping sample 1. Informal letter, fce exam favourite movie this sample informal letter for fce.

I like all day of the week but, sunday is my favorite day of the week because, that day i wake up late at 10o clock and i take bath after it, i try different types of new cooking recipes and enjoy outdoor activities with family and friends as well as, read books, listen to music for relaxation of mind and body. Ielts cue card sample 559 describe your favourite dress. Talk about your favorite place for shopping ielts fever. Talk about your favourite song recent ielts speaking topic. I have seen many movies but now i would like to talk about my favorite movie. You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. In fact, falling in love and bearing that love is always inspiring. Describe your favorite movie ielts speaking part 2 sample band 9. In conclusion, the 1997 film titanic remains my alltime favorite movie. Ielts stands for international english language testing system, is designed for nonnative english speakers who need to study in america, australia and europe or. Remember to speak along with the audio for pronunciation practice.

Describe a special or favourite toy you liked in your childhood ielts speaking. I love to listen to rock music and broadcast is my favourite music band. Download cue card sample answerthere are some movies that we watch and forget while some others have an everlasting effect on our lives. It was formed in 1995 in the uk with the participation of original members including james cargill, steve perkins, trish keenan, roj stevens, tim felton and others.

This movie usually gets me burst into tears no matter how many times ive watched it. Every aspect of the movie, ranging from casting to scene selection is done flawlessly and the themes come out clearly and perfectly. Ielts speaking part 1 questions and answers top 50 ielts speaking part 2 all topics with answers ielts speaking part 2 40 most important topics with annswers. Today id like to talk about armageddon, which is one of my favorite movies of all times. It was my absolute favorite i used to watch it repeatedly until my parents were really tired of it. Actually, i watched the same movie on tv yesterday. Watching a film that feels relax and boost your mood. So, the movie became my favourite one for its special plot. Home ielts speaking ielts speaking on about your favourite tv program. Describe your favorite movie ielts speaking part 2. And we have asked you talk a little bit faster because you talked. I saw this movie in orbit cinema in my hometown moga with my. Favourite movie baghban speaking cue card with answer.

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