Epq log book reflection example

Trying to get the opinion of others is essential i have come to realise and this reflection has helped me. Choosing terrorism and focusing on cyberterrorism as my topics will benefit me also later in life as i progress into. What i excluded and why certain sources which did not provide enough evidence i had initially planned to write a little about sexual fetish. Oct 19, 2016 reflections on epq firstly, i am delighted that i chose to do the epq project on law. Activity log issue 1 september 2008 date comments 310120 i had to. Example epq presentation resources and information for. Level 3 extended project qualification 7993 our extended project qualification epq specification has been updated for teaching from september 2020, with first assessment in may 2021. No yes if yes, give brief details extended project final title. The production log should not become the main element of assessment its. The question i am researching is essay title here, then. The students write in a log book with two parts, one individual and one group log book. Other than the report writing or artefact, the presentation is the highlight of your epq journey.

Extended project qualification teacher resource bank. Teacher resource bank extended project qualification candidate exemplar work. Reflection on learning nassir hassan politics essays october 28, 2017 october 28, 2017 7 minutes taking into account all your learning to date, reflect critically on how you have progressed in your development as a professional over the last three months and consider your development areas for the. When you know how to write a reflection paper, you can easily compose one analytically when required to. This video introduces the production log for the aqa epq extended project qualification.

Look at the level of detail i included so please buy. The production log is not an admin document but rather provides the candidate with the backbone of their project. Apr 04, 2011 how to start writing an epq reflection. May 05, 20 this is the main bulk of my epq which gained an a grade at a level. This is the main bulk of my epq which gained an a grade at a level. The log book as well as the essay, youll also need to complete a log book i think its also sometimes called a production log remember to fill it in thoroughly because this is the part which gets you most of the marks. Project qualifications examiner report epq june 2017 aqa.

Epq teacher guide the production log and its purpose. Epq on the question of animals being used by humans. We need to next gen to understand it, because in this current political climate, its being ignored. Writing reflection papers on books is important because it enables students to evaluate their experiences after reading books. The production log and registration details for projectq the production log is a document that you use to record your journey through the project process. For my epq, i made a children book about climate change. Do not summarize the chapter, instead discuss new ideas and significant insights and how the information can be used to support classroom integration of technology. Jul 10, 2016 epq activity log jul 10, 2016 dec 22, 2017 this page is a log of my progress, where i will comment on what i have achieved from week to week to move forward in the planning of, conducting research for, writing of and presenting my epq, as well as changes ive had to make along the way, and what i need to do for the following week in order. Above is a good example to illustrate what you will need to include this is an example from last year so the name is different record of initial planning rather than record of. Your supervisor will then complete page 7 project proposal part b and the. Epq teacher guide the production log and its purpose aqa. The production log is not an admin document but rather provides the student with the backbone of their project. For each chapter write an informal 200300 word reflection focusing on what you learned and a 25 word reflection on each visited web site.

The production log is a 15page document that is used to record a candidates journey through the project process. Um plan a lot, and dont be afraid to write down a plan idea you have now that youre not sure about so later on the the project, when you come to the reflection part, you can write about changes you made etc. Ocr extended project exemplar folder 6 5560 easy as pi. Oct 28, 2017 an example of critical reflection log log 4. So im wondering what i have to do for it, like do i create a log book. Choose an area of interest and draft their project title and aims. In the group log book, they write about tasks performed and what to do next etc. Getting an a on your epq begins with picking a creative, individual and exciting question that is both specific and sufficiently broad to provide a detailed response. The individual log book is personal and not available for the other students to read and it contains. Aqa project qualifications level 3 extended project.

The production log is a document that is used to record a students journey through the project process. For the june series each year, the entries deadline is 21 february and the deadline for the submission of workmarks is 15 may. Extended project evaluation ao4 evaluating the project. Above all, the most successful epqs are those that genuinely interest the participant. Sep 14, 2015 the project log should be considered just as important as the essayartefactevent that you are producing, as it is worth a significant number of marks. Aug 24, 2012 this is the methodology of my report which formed part of my epq project, to what extent should traditional chinese medicine be available as a complementary and alternative therapy in the nhs for pain relief in palliative care. We have updated the specification to help you manage project qualifications in your school and ensure your students are prepared for their epq. The candidate showed insight into the strengths and weaknesses of his own research methodology and. A reflective journal is a place to write down your daily reflection entries.

Reflection is an especially significant part of the extended project. Autumn term y presentation and final submission of completed project and log except supervisors pages e. These epq ideas are only here to inspire you and hopefully help point you in the right direction. May 12, 2010 trying to get the opinion of others is essential i have come to realise and this reflection has helped me. Posted on january 5, 2016 january 5, 2016 by hcmf11. These forms will help you administer the level 3 extended project qualification. The production log is a document that is used to record a students journey through the project. Extended project qualification teacher resource bank teacher. Candidate record form, production log and assessment record. The study of green grass is popular among agrostologists. You wouldnt believe the amount of hours of gruelling research that went into creating this list but i can tell you now, it was a lot when creating this list, i researched all over the web to see what epq ideas people had in.

The outcome, whether it be an essayreport or artefact is. Ocr extended project unit h856 exemplar folder 7 5660. The best summary and reflection pages in the log book evaluated the project experience fully and showed clearly what benefits the candidate had drawn from the work. Conclusion writing my extended project has been an overall enjoyable experience, during which i have learned skills i will continue to use for much of my life. Why you should know how to write a reflection paper on a book.

How to write a reflective journal with tips and examples. While you may be asked to write on a series of potential topics, there are similarities in all of the possible subjects. However, i found this theory did not require an entire sections as there was very little evidence to support this view apart from some parts of blanchards theory. Epq activity log jul 10, 2016 dec 22, 2017 this page is a log of my progress, where i will comment on what i have achieved from week to week to move forward in the planning of, conducting research for, writing of and presenting my epq, as well as changes ive had to make along the way, and what i need to do for the following week in order. List dates completed here and make sure they match the dates throughout your log. I knew i wanted to do geog at uni and wanted to put the impacts in a way that would be understood to a child. There are other bits, such as a log, reflection and several appendices, but this is the mai slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

The project qualifications are processbased qualifications. Within some excellent presentations, candidates summarised the outcomes, justified the conclusions drawn and evaluated the process used. I have always been passionate about animals and i selected this topic to what extent should animals be used by humans for my epq in order to explore and broaden my understanding about the controversial areas of animal welfare, such as animal ethics and peoples attitudes towards animals. Please help im trying to do my log book and dont how to start my reflection for instance the first few words to start the flow. The samples each provide a production log and a project product with some. Project qualifications examiner report epq june 2017. To carry out this project, i am looking into a variety of evidence for the use of tcm in. It provides the backbone of your project and is completed online using projectq. With my book my research was listening to my readers and clients and reading books that helped me to solve the problems that they were dealing with.

Record of initial ideas example resources and information. Teacher resource bank extended project qualification candidate. It has been practised, for example, in libraries to enable providers to. The presentation is the moment when you can show off your knowledge of your topic to a nonspecialist audience. Just fill it in as you go along i guess, my advice is to write as much as you can about your thought processes and what you did, in detail. Contents and accompanying written report this production log and assessment record consists of the pages listed below. You fill in the log book at various stages during your epq, at the start, middle and end of the project.

Extensive reflection on the research is used to inform planning. As part of my reflection i created a questionnaire which would help me discover what people think of the magazine and whether it would be effective on a public basis. My initial aim when i started was simply to cover a topic albeit one i had interest in after my work experience which was directly related to the course i want to study at university thereby providing a link between my a level studies and degree course. Email required address never made public name required. Take your hr comms to the next level with prezi video. For example, i read a book called mini habits by stephen guise and used that book as the basis for a blog post.

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in. A reflective journal can help you to identify important learning events that had happened in your life. Candidate record form, production log and assessment record 2021 92. Assess each students completed production log, project product and presentation at the end of the process. Reflections on epq firstly, i am delighted that i chose to do the epq project on law.

It can be something good or bad that happened to you that you can selfreflect and learn from the past experience. This report is mine, i put alot of hard work and effort into it. At the end of the log book there is a section titled reflection. There are lots of marks to be gained from the reflection part of the project. He said that i needed to explain the reasons for my.

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